Friday, March 30, 2007

Vinnie's class at Chapel

Vinnie's class "hosted" chapel on Tuesday and they did such a good job...they all picked their characters from the Bible and then they wrote about their characters and memorized their parts....We also found out at conferences last thursday that Vinnie was going to play his guitar for special music. Shawn and I looked at each other with surprise (we rarely know what is going on at school for Vinnie, as he is a boy of few words when it comes to letting us know what is happening) anyway we just smiled and said okay. Vinnie got a guitar for Christmas and has not had one lesson yet he just plays around on it and Shawn has taught him a few we didn't think he could even read music much less pull off a whole song. Much to our amazement he did wonderful...not missing one chord. My mom thinks he can just play by maybe we should look into getting him some lessons!!

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